Travelers with disabilities: the untapped markets

When most people think about their business in the courts, persons with disabilities, they may fear that the feeling of the suolen and the other with the card you want to find where the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) went to serve the important force of perusenergian in that year. It does not have to be this way! When the business owners to open your eyes and start to understand that literally billions of dollars to be made available on the mobile market, I believe that we will begin to remove the associated with the fear of the future.

Currently, more than 50 million disabled people in the United States and 180 million worldwide, one of the largest in the world representing untapped tourist market. According to a recent Harris Poll, carried out jointly with the Organization for security and cooperation in Europe and open doors-Travel Industry Association of America, the country's 50 million disabled people in more than 175 is a combined revenue of billion dollars. In 2002, these people took 32 million trips and spent more than 13 billion dollars 6. mobile (4.2 billion dollars, the Hotels, 3.3 billion dollars, the flight of a journey, 2.7 billion dollar food and beverage industry and retail trade of USD 3.4 billionsport, tran the progress information and other activities). This study suggested that these travelers should double their expenditure If some minor facilities were available. Meet and greet the primary programs of the airports, aircraft seats, hotel rooms closer to amenities and the workers, who go out of their way to supplement the list fit for disabled guests.

These items from travelers who know the most are already available such as the Adaptive Mobile show current trends in the cruise ship, Florida and Las Vegas. Visitors to the site offices and businesses in these destinations, which are gone for the visitors to the site that is not the availability of any paid activity during their stay. The personal experience of traveling and wheelchairs a year, I guarantee that these locations are constructed and build strong connections to the travelers with disabilities. This group is a very loyal one, which often returns in the same city, the hotel or the activities of the provider of the year after year if they have a good experience. If all of the catch on the top of this, we would be the growth of the tourism sector, as we have seen ever!

In this sense it is a wonder that more and more business owners have taken steps to ensure that their Accommodations more available, and even from the start, these travelers. If the above numbers are not enough awesome proof, the U.S. Census Bureau stated recently that nearly all people with disabilities in the United States 16.5% to leave their home two days a week or less. This is almost 11 million people who are on the road at all. Also keep in mind that the Boxer, who are looking for easy travel Accommodations, millions of people. Many of these people, planting or walkers to travel with oxygen tanks, or other mobility impairments and disability statistics are not included.

Millions of people in need of travel options available, and the of our (almost 25% of the population ageing) start reach pensionable age, as well now is the time to start thinking about the improvement of the marketing activities of people with disabilities and better accessibility in General. The teaching staff of business owners with disabilities travel agent trade and training, which are fighting losing battle benefits connected to the Internet, we can start this new target markets to focus on.

If you want to take advantage of rapidly growing mobile market-adaptive, start now! I recommend hiring an expert to Top business and begin to remove the obstacles to the use as soon as possible. Think about the accessibility features at any time you're planning a remodel or addition. These improvements to benefit everyone, not just the opportunities. For those of you who have taken steps to improve the already started bragging about it.

Craig Kennedy is a published author, and the availability of Adaptive Mobile consultant and speaker for almost 10 years to encourage Adaptive mobile experience and more than 15 years in the tourism and service expertise. He has specialized in the resort business growth and a better overview of the client attraction accessibility, training and marketing, and companies who wish to become available in the travel and accommodation costs, the works.

Craig p. Kennedy, Steamboat Springs, Colorado,
CK for accessibility for the hearing:

* In order to Explore our website and learn more about the free accessibility information, if you are on the right track.

Craig was born and raised in upstate New York, the beautiful Adirondack Mountains. He grew up an avid skier who love Outdoor, rock climbing, water skiing, such as all kinds of camping, and fishing and traveled frequently with his family. After college, Craig moved to Colorado, where in his second year in a ski accident left him paralyzed. He is still an avid skier, hitting the slopes of more than eighty days per year and spend the rest of his life, bicycling, camping and traveling. Craig is currently the writer of the whole, supportive of working time and the availability of a consultant and speaker are very excited to see the world!

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