$ 1,000 per month in the world to travel, or less

"Does not exist everywhere, but it is on my list."-Susan Sontag

Do you believe that it is expensive to travel? Has never looked more than glossy brochure times your vacation dream, only to discover that it pays you thousands and thousands of dollars a day 10 of the holidays?

If this has happened, do not understand. I have dreams of traveling the world, too, but for disenhearted, when I saw the price tag on the market of expensive travel.

But I've learned to travel is not expensive. You can see, travel to you to believe that it will pay a lot of money to travel. In this way they can jack up trips to earn larger Commission itself. They want to feel that you have the money, a lot of money to be able to travel.

The majority of such thinking helps us. It distances us than our dreams.

The fact that most people do not understand, is this the world's travel can be down right Cheap. It actually should be cheaper, much cheaper than staying at home.

It amuses me that travel agents will try to SELL. They try to get you to pay for the things you can do all by yourself. They may not know, but-

You don't need them.

What people do when they travel, despite? They have a place to sleep, eat, use the sport tran progress information and entertainment systems and a few Miscellaneous things such as Laundry, clothes and Souvenirs.

What do you do at home? Pay rent, buy food (and sometimes go out to eat), drive, or use the bus and the money for the entertainment and a few other things in the cable, and utilities.

Travel expenses are really the same damn thing than staying at home; the big difference is that you may be seeing a lot of different things and you do.

I would like to ask you this: If you were to offer a home town, meals, entertainment, and you, my choice is strictly scheduled airport shuttle bus which takes you, when I want you to go and when, the place and I only charge $ 10,000 per month for a basic package, you can approve it?

Not only would not accept it, but was


So why just do this consistently for the same thing? Why do they pay a ton of money on travel, they can do all things in itself, is very much cheaper and much more freely and flexibly?

The world of travel is not expensive at all, if you know how to do it, you can travel around the world ... a 1000 $ per month; This is only about $ 33 per day.

How much you can spend a typical day at home?

The following is an example of one person, the average monthly expenses (pace) in the United States:

Rent: $ 800 per month

Food: $ 300

TRAN sport progress information (gas, insurance): $ 400

Utilities (telephone, internet, electricity, water, cable): $ 300

Showbiz: $ 300

Miscellaneous (clothing, gifts, medical bills): 400 €

Total: 2 500 $

Now Let's sum up world travel monthly (once you know how to do it):

Hotels: $ 300

Food: $ 150

TRAN sport progress: $ 300

Utilities: 0,00

Entertainment/site-Seeing: 200 $

Miscellaneous (internet cafes, souvenirs, apparel): $ 50

Total: $ 1000

Let's break down this date:

Hotel: $ 10

Food: $ 5

TRAN sport progress: $ 10

Entertainment/site-Seeing: a $ 6.67

Other expenses: $ 1.67

The daily aggregate amount: $ 33.34 USD

The world's travel costs less than staying at home, and provides much more freedom.

I am sure that you've thought about that, I am a outrageous aliarvioimisen travel. But actually, the above mentioned costs can be much cheaper.

Did you know that in some countries you can reserve a three-star hotel is a 10 dollar? Or you can download a nice accommodation, as low as $ 0.50, $ 6.00 per night? Are you aware of tens of thousands of people around the world, as the case may be, shall invite travelers stay at their homes, for free?

How the food? EUR 0.50 for buffets are offered from a political point of view. Soup, main course, Shoe Shine, packed lunches, flux-and dessert can be had for $ 1.50. Some companies even pay you to dine in their restaurants!

TRAN sport progress? How to go anywhere that the taxis, the city's $ 2. Inter-Country buses for $ 20, $ 50. Or international flights to 80% off?

Balancing your trip with the expensive and cheap travel to countries the average of $ 1,000 per month to be only or less.

Remember that people are actually living in the countries, which are foreign to you. In some countries, the monthly average salary is only $ 150, but it is enough to live in.

If you are paying thousands and thousands of dollars a month, if they are, then why should you?

In many places, only $ 1,000 a month to spend far away from the body, such as a pauper, you can be live with than the King.

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